Habits and Habitat
Adult flatheads feed mostly on the bottom on crayfish and smaller fish such as darters, sunfishes, minnows, shad, and smaller catfish. Feeding and movement increase at night. Flathead catfish are normally found in deep pools of streams or rivers and are normally associated with underwater structure. They are often commonly found in oxbow lakes and reservoirs in Mississippi. Spawning begins in May and continues through July in logs, holes, or depressions on the bottom when water temperatures reach about 72ºF to 75ºF. Males guard the nests even after eggs hatch. Tagging studies have shown flatheads are territorial and tend to stay in the same area. Flatheads should never be stocked in bass-bream ponds due to their voracious fish-eating habits. They will eliminate almost all but the very smallest bream from a pond.