If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Opening day of dove season is one of the most anticipated and popular hunting days of the year for many Mississippians. Dove season brings some of the first hunting opportunities of the fall as the long and hot Mississippi summer comes to a close. In the southeast, dove hunting has a long tradition of being a very social event and is a time for fellowship with friends and family outdoors.
The opening day of dove season is a day not to be missed for many Mississippi hunters. Wing shooters around the state should take a moment to check out the variety of public dove hunting opportunities provided by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.
*Dove season starts one-half hour before sunrise to sunset
New for 2024- because of increasing interests in certain WMA dove fields, a draw is being implemented for the opening days on Black Prairie and William (Billy) C. Deviney WMAs.
Black Prairie WMA's draw hunt will take place the first Wednesday of regular dove season, and Deviney WMA's draw hunt will take place on the regular season opener. There will be select standby opportunities at both locations.
The draw hunt application period for these draws is August 1 - August 15, 2024.
To apply, applicants must possess a current valid WMA user permit or be a current lifetime license, senior exempt, or youth exempt license holder. If you have to purchase or renew your license or WMA user permit, you must do so 24 hours before applying.
WMA Draw Applications: WMA Draw Hunt Application
Special youth dove hunting opportunities will be offered on the following WMAs: