If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Find information about hunting and wildlife programs and useful resources to enhance your hunting and wildlife knowledge, management, and experiences.
Gear up for the hunt with our general rules and regulations—your quick guide to a safe and successful outdoor experience.
Any person born after January 1, 1972, must complete a hunter education course to legally hunt in Mississippi.
Learn more about Game Check and download the MDWFP app to report your white-tailed deer and turkey harvests.
With the population of Mississippi's deer herd rising, MDWFP is calling on hunters to take action to preserve the balance of nature.
Looking for a place to hunt? MDWFP has more than 50 Wildlife Management Areas across the state that are open to hunting.
Learn about Chronic Wasting Disease in Mississippi, including how to submit samples in suspected CWD cases.
Find resources, information, and tools to manage wildlife that might be a nuisance to your land.
Learn about available licenses, permits, boating registration, and more.