If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
F - 1.1 Prohibited Species FINAL
F - 1.2 Discharging Firearms at Public Boat Ramps - FINAL
F - 1.5 NMFH Fees - FINAL
F - 2.2 Regulations Regarding Community Fishing Assistance Program Lakes Rev 04-2021 FINAL
F - 3.3 Commercial Harvest of Mussels Prohibited March 4, 2013 FINAL
F - 40 Miss Admin Code Part 3 Rule 1.3 Sportfishing Regulations Rev 04-2023 FINAL
F - 40 Miss Admin Code Part 3 Rule 1.4 Statewide Creel Limits Rev 05-2024 FINAL with Changes
F - 40 Miss Admin Code Part 3 Rule 2.1 State Fishing Lakes Rules and Regulations Rev 11-2024 FINAL with Changes
F - 40 Miss Admin Code Part 3 Rule 3.1 Commerical Fishing Regulations Rev 08-2023 FINAL
F - 40 Miss Admin Code Part 4 Freshwater Fishing Guides and Outfitters Rules COMPILATION Prom 05-2023 FINAL with CHANGES
LE - Reciprocal Agreement; MS and AL 2736
LE - Reciprocal Agreement; MS and TN 3255
LE - 2.6 Jourdan River No Wake Zone - Final
LE - 3.1 -MS_AL Reciprocal Agreement - FINAL
LE - 5.3 Dog Running Spring Turkey Season FINAL
LE - 6.1 Range Fees - FINAL
LE - Reciprocal Agreement MS LA 2358
LE - Reciprocal Agreement; MS River between MS & AR 3672
LE - Rules 3.1 through 3.4-Reciprocal Agreements FINAL
W - 1.1 - 1.47 Compilation 2024-2025 WMA Rules FINAL
W - 1.6-WMA User Permits-FINAL
W - 2.2 2024-2025 Deer Seasons and Bag Limits FINAL
W - 2.3 Fully Enclosed Hunting Blinds- FINAL
W - 2.4 Supp Feeding of Wild Animals FINAL
W - 2.6 Rehabilitation of White-Tailed Deer - FINAL
W - 2.7 Cervid Carcass Importation Rev. 05-2021 FINAL
W - 2.8 Prohibition on Use of Natural Cervid Urine - FINAL
W - 3.1 2024-2025 Wild Turkey Seasons and Bag Limits FINAL
W - 3.2 Lawful Means for Taking Wild Turkey - FINAL
W - 3.3 Hunting of Wild Turkey Over Bait Prohibited - FINAL
W - 3.4 Tagging and Reporting for Wild Turkey Rev 05-2024 FINAL
W - 4.1 Small Game Hunting Trapping Seasons Bag Limits FINAL
W - 4.2 Regulations Regarding the Hunting of Crows - FINAL
W - 5.2 Alligator Hunting Season for Private Lands Rev 01-2025 - FINAL
W - 5.3 Alligator Hunting Rules for Public Waters. Rev 03-2022-FINAL
W - 5.4 Pelahatchie Bay Alligator Hunting Regulations Rev 01-2024 FINAL
W - 6.1 Trapping and Fur Dealing - FINAL
W - 7.1 Regulations for Taking Nuisance Animals Rev 05-2022 FINAL
W - 8.2 Regulations for White-Tailed Deer Enclosures Rev. 04-2021 FINAL
W - 8.1 General Rules for Fox, Coyote and Rabbit Pens - FINAL
W - 8.3 Animals Inherently Dangerous to Humans - FINAL
W - 8.4 Non-resident Hunting and Fishing License and Fee Program 2023 - FINAL
W - 8.5 Decommission of Enclosures Containing White-Tailed Deer - FINAL
W - 8.6 Enclosures Preventing Free Ingress & Egress of White -Tailed Deer - FINAL
W - 9.1-Opening and Closing Days of Hunting Seasons-FINAL