If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Explore the Mississippi outdoors through Mississippi Outdoors TV, Mississippi Outdoors Podcast, the Outdoor Digest, or have the Mississippi Outdoors magazine delivered to you.
On Mississippi Oudoors we explore the wonder of our state's natural resources and experience the thrill of outdoor adventure. From hunting and fishing to just about anything outdoors, we explore it all. Let us show you where to go and what to do.
Todd is a Hancock County native, the youngest of four sons to Michael and Juanita Shiyou. Being part of a family that loved the outdoors, it was natural for Todd to hunt and fish for whatever was in season. Todd's main passion is speckled trout fishing. He never missed a chance to go with his dad. Naturally, as Todd became older, venturing offshore, blue water fishing was just another step to make him a more rounded fisherman. No matter what the season, Todd wll be out there.
Scooter is a native of Vicksburt, MS, and has ben filming for MS Outdoors since 2004. Beng an avid outdoorsman, Scooter and his whole family are passionate about hunting and fishing and just being in the outdoors. His father Harold Whatley introduced him to the sport of hunting at a very youg. age, and now Scooter is passing down that tradition to his own 2 sons, Connor and Austin. "I do love to hunt, but capturing wildlife on camera for the show is just as gratifying to me".
Series Producer / Videographer
Knowledge is our greatest tool, and the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks hopes the Outdoor Digest provides you with all the information you may need for your next outing.
Mississippi is blessed with abundant and diverse natural resources. From the hills in the northeast to the fertile alluvial soil in the Delta, and down to the Mississippi Gulf Coast - the Magnolia State offers residents and guests endless outdoor opportunities. Whether you enjoy hunting, fishing, boating, bird watching, or just being outdoors, we encourage you to utilize these natural resources as part of your outdoor lifestyle.
If you need additional information or want to leave a comment, visit us online at mdwfp.com or call (601) 432-2400. Good luck, be safe, and have a great time this year in Mississippi's outdoors.
Sam Polles, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Mississippi Outdoors magazine is MDWFP's bi-monthly publication featuring a range of informative articles, agency news, trends, topics, and photos. you can have Mississippi Outdoors magazine delivered to your door by calling (888) 874-5785.
If you have a hunting and fishing license, you can also subscribe online through our license and permit purchasing page.