Help us update the "Mississippi State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)" for 2025!
What is the "SWAP"?
Fish and wildlife agencies in each state and territory have been charged by Congress with updating their State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) every 10 years.
Completion of the first State Wildlife Action Plans in 2005 was a major milestone in fish and wildlife conservation as it marked the first time each state developed a comprehensive plan that described species and habitats in greatest conservation need, key threats, and conservation actions needed to prevent endangered species listings and spur recovery.
Our agency is coordinating this effort for the state of Mississippi. The overall purpose of the SWAP is to provide a guide to effective and efficient long-term conservation of Mississippi's biological diversity as part of a nationwide effort.
This plan is a requirement for states to receive federal funding through the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants (SWG) Program and also provides a statewide "roadmap" for research, restoration, management, and recovery efforts aimed at Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and their habitats.
Help us Improve the "SWAP"
MDWFP is seeking input as we begin working on the third version of our Mississippi SWAP for the 2025 deadline.
Our goal with the revision of this science-based, landscape-level plan is to make it more usable by resource managers, decision-makers, organizations, local, state and federal agencies, and individuals working to keep common species common and to conserve rare species in Mississippi.
We invite you to comment: For the 2025 revision, we will include plants, and additional marine and insect species, along with many other revisions.
Please help us improve it by providing comments on any aspect of the 2015 SWAP including the content, design, features, and map. Download the 2015 SWAP.
What's new?
· Updated SGCN lists. Plants plus several marine fishes, insects, and other species have been added and some removed others as part of the 10-year update to the SWAP.
Download the extinct species list
· New ecoregions! We have adopted EPA’s Level III and Level IV Ecoregions as the new framework for our 2025 SWAP to align with many other states. The SGCN by habitats have been updated to the new ecoregions. You can find our SGCNs listed by habitat and by ecoregion
Download the list of SGCN by habitat
Download the list of SGCN by ecoregion
Download the EPA ecoregion descriptions
· Updated threats and actions for habitats are ready for your review and input.
Download the list of threats and actions
· Coming soon! Habitat description updates, Conservation Opportunity Area map and descriptions and a new Regional chapter.
Please review these lists and provide comments by February 7th, 2025.
Stay Informed About "SWAP" Updates
All major edits will also be posted on this page until the 2025 update is complete, so check back often.
Click here if you would like to sign up to receive email updates as we develop new draft chapters, species lists, and habitat descriptions.