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Tuscumbia is located in Alcorn County near Corinth, MS. From the intersection of Hwy 45 and Hwy 72 in Corinth, go west 1.9 miles on Hwy 72 and turn north onto County Road 735. Go 0.9 miles to 3-way stop and turn left onto County Road 750. Go 0.9 miles and headquarters building is on left. If you have any questions regarding Tuscumbia call (662) 284-0740.
Harvey Moss at Tuscumbia Wildlife Management Area (HMTWMA) consists of approximately 2,600 acres of state-owned land located three miles west of Corinth, MS in Alcorn County. TWMA is split into two distinct blocks of land known as Unit 1 (1400 ac.) and Unit 2 (1200 ac.).
Unit 1, the north block, is primarily permanent wetland. Habitat types include scrub/shrub, aquatic emergent, and forested wetlands. Hazel alder and button bush comprise most of the shrub cover. Cypress, Tupelo gum, and willow are the dominant tree species. Aquatic emergent and moist-soil plants exist in various quantities. These attributes provide habitat for waterfowl which is the primary game species pursued on TWMA. Unit 1 offers hunting seasons for other game species as well.
Much of Unit 1 is surrounded by private land. No public roads or access trails run through it. Unit 1 is best accessed by launching a boat into the Tuscumbia River channel from the ramp located on County Road 750 (Smith Bridge Road). Walk-in access is available from the northeast corner joining County Road 711.
Unit 2, the south block, was mostly abandoned agricultural fields before waterfowl impoundments were created in 1998. Ten waterfowl impoundments ranging from 19 to 83 acres, and totaling 258 acres, are intensively managed to provide waterfowl habitat. Approximately 240 acres of upland old fields and some upland hardwoods are also present in Unit 2. The balance of Unit 2 is swamp and bottomland hardwood forest.
In an attempt to maintain a higher level of hunt quality, waterfowl hunting is provided on a limited, draw-hunt basis (see Area Regulations for details and application process). Unit 2 offers limited hunting opportunity for other game species as well. Unit 2 is accessible from road frontage along U.S. Hwy 72 and County Road 750.
HMTWMA provides excellent birding opportunities. Many species of wetland birds benefit from the natural habitats and active management practices. Besides waterfowl, a variety of wading birds use the area. Songbirds associated with wetland and upland habitat may be viewed as well.
The permit station with cards is located at the headquarters.