MMNS Freshwater Invertebrate Collection

The MMNS Freshwater Invertebrate Collection is composed primarily of mollusks and crustaceans. There are approximately 10,000 lots of crustaceans (approximately 60,000 specimens) representing over 93 species. The crustacean collection contains specimens from 11 states, but the majority (over 90%) are from Mississippi. Crustaceans were identified primarily by the late Joseph F. Fitzpatrick, Jr. of the University of South Alabama and Tulane University and the recently retired Robert L. Jones at MMNS.

The mollusk collection, which has been completely geo-referenced, consists of approximately 88,000 specimens (approximately 17,000 lots) of 164 bivalve and 36 gastropod taxa. The majority of specimens (96%) are bivalves. Much of the collection is from Mississippi (87%), but there are specimens from 16 other states as well. The majority of specimens are stored as dry shells, but there are also specimens stored in 70 or 100 percent ethanol. The latter includes 56 taxa which have been preserved for genetic analysis.

Significant Holdings

  • 45 species and 4179 individuals of state and/or federally listed mollusks. 
  • Paratypes of the crawfish Fallicambarus burrisi, F. gordoni, Hobbseus yalobushensis, Orconectes jonesi, and Procambarus vioscai paynei

Current Focus

  • Document distribution of freshwater mollusks in Mississippi.
  • Document distribution of crawfish in Mississippi.

Links of Interest

View a free PDF Guide to Freshwater Mussels of Mississippi. 
View a list of Aquatic Snails of Mississippi.
View a list of Mississippi Crawfishes 

Contact (mussels): Robert Ellwanger at 

Contact (crustaceans and gastropods): Calvin Rezac at