View Administrative Code

Disclaimer: Patrons using the facilities at any Park shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the patron to such facilities. The MDWFP reserves the right to pursue any legal means, whether civil and/or criminal, to recover its losses or damages. Patrons will be required to present a valid Credit Card and photo ID upon check-in, to assure compliance with this responsibility. 

Additionally, State wildlife management areas (WMAs), fishing lakes, and parks, are managed to be as close to a natural condition as possible, while providing access and opportunities for outdoor recreation. Any number of animals, plants, and insects, some of which may be dangerous to humans, may be found on state WMAs, lakes, and parks. Please enjoy the opportunities we offer to interact with nature, but be mindful of your surroundings. Should you have any questions about specific locations, please call us at 601-432-2400 or visit

  1. 1. Reservations are not required but are highly recommended especially during the peak season (May 15 through August 15). They may be made via the Internet 365 days out of the year, through the call center (except on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s) or by contacting the park office between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (except on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s). 
  2. Reservations will not be held after 11:00 a.m. on the morning after the scheduled arrival date, and the site may be released to other campers, unless the park is notified and acceptable arrangements for the late arrival have been made. If the park manager has been notified of a late arrival, he must hold the site. Both reservation and fees are forfeited if camper does not show or notify the park. 
  3. Reservations will be accepted for 1-14 days, up to 12 months in advance. 
  4. Upon checking in, the guest will be required to provide a credit card or driver’s license number or both for reservation purposes. This information will be recorded on all receipts. 
  5. Damage assessments may be incurred for theft of, or damages to, State Property. 
  6. A Damage and/or Cleaning Fee may be assessed per facility if necessary to clean-up or repair damage beyond ordinary cleaning or wear and tear. Fees may also be charged for lost/stolen items.
  1. Reservations may be made no more than 12 months in advance of the current date. A 50% deposit will be required at the time the reservation is made. Payment shall be made in full upon arrival. 
  2. Reservations will not be accepted for more than five cabins, motels or villas units on the same day. Exceptions may be granted by the Executive Director or designee. 
  3. Minimum length of stay for all lodging is 2 nights year-round. 
  4. Cabin stay includes but is not limited to fishing, boat launch, swimming pool and tennis (where available). These activities are limited to the registered number of guests per unit not to exceed occupancy. Visitors of the guests must pay for all entrance and activities. Call park for activities not included.
  1. Reservations may be made no more than 12 months in advance of the current date. Full payment is required at the time reservation is made. 
  2. Minimum length of stay for campsites is 1 night year-round. A 2 night minimum is required for holidays. 
  3. RV campsite rental includes, but is not limited to, fishing & boat launch. These activities are limited to the registered number of guest per RV campsite not to exceed 8 people. Visitors of the RV camping guests must pay for all entrance and activities. Call park for activities not included.
  4.  Primitive camp site rental does not include fishing and boat launch.
  1. Reservations may be made no more than 12 months in advance of the current date. A $100.00 deposit is required at the time a reservation is made based on the total number of nights and meals to be served. If total number of nights and/or meals is increased, the reserving party must contact the park and pay the additional deposit. 3 
  2. Group Camps do not include fishing, boat launch, swimming pool, or tennis.
  3. Entry fee will also be charged in addition to the rental fee for lodges, meeting rooms and pavilions.
  1. Reservations for all group buildings and shelters can be made up to 12 months in advance and will be handled through the reservation system at the park only. A 100% deposit is required at the time the reservation is made. Reservations can be made for half day or full day increments at the discretion of the park manager. 
  2. “All other rentable structures” do not include fishing, boat launch, swimming pool, or tennis.
  3. Entry fee will also be charged in addition to the rental fee for lodges, meeting rooms and pavilions.
  1. A refund may be received if: a. We were not able to provide the service for which fees were paid in advance. b. Park or facility has to be closed due to natural hazards or “State of Emergency”. c. Cancellation of 7 days plus days, minus a $8.00 non-refundable reservation fee. d. Cancellation 6 days or less, forfeit half of reservation amount. 
  2. No refunds will be received: 
    1. If the park guest does not show up for their respective reservations. 
    2. For shortened stays except for reasons listed in this section and only for the balance of the days left on the reservation. 
    3. If the reservation is cancelled within 3 days. 
    4. Once checked in, a cancellation is not permitted, nor will a refund be issued. 
  3. Transfers: 
    1. Transfers consisting of a change of date and/or site will be allowed from the actual date of the reservation up to 7 days prior to arrival date at no additional fee. 
    2. Transfers between RV sites will be allowed within the park where the reservations were made at any time but will be based on site availability. 
    3. Cabin reservations can be transferred to another cabin, as long as the originally reserved cabin has not been occupied by guest. 
    4. No changes or transfers to reservations are allowed within 3 days. 
    5. A transfer fee of $8.00 per reservation will apply to any transfer made within the 7-day cancellation policy.
  1. Camping shall be confined to the designated campground or designated overflow areas. No camping or camping units are allowed in the cabin areas, day-use areas, or group camp areas.
  2. No more than one camping unit will be allowed on a camp pad. One additional unit (tent only) may be allowed with manager’s approval and charged the primitive camping rate per night.
  3. No more than 8 people can occupy a campsite at any one time, visitors and overnight guests included.
  4. The reservation holder must be present for the duration of the stay. Persons eligible for discounts may not make a reservation for persons who are not eligible. Proof of eligibility will be required upon check-in. See, Rule 1.2 State Park Rules, “Camping” Section for required forms. 
  5. Check-out time is 2:00 P.M.; check-in time is 4:00 P.M. All fees are payable in advance.
  6. Campgrounds and camp areas are restricted to registered campers and guests only. Guests shall leave the area prior to 10:00 P.M.
  7. Campsites will not be rented to any person under 21 years of age. Exception may be granted by the Executive Director or designee. Campers, tents, vehicles, children, and pets shall not be left unattended. 
  8. The maximum stay on a campsite is 14 days. Campsites may be rented by the month at certain state parks. A monthly camping rate is available at selected parks. Monthly, extended stay, camping is restricted to designated sites. Ninety (90) days is the maximum allowable stay on a campsite. An extension may be granted with approval by the Executive Director or his designee. Extensions will only be approved in ninety (90) day increments. 
  9. No permanent use of rented facilities for residence purposes is allowed. “Homesteading” or otherwise using rentable facilities for a sole place of residence is prohibited. The act of Homesteading includes but is not limited to: erecting permanent or semi-permanent structures. 
  10. Cluttering a rented site with garbage, storage containers, boxes, buckets, decorations or other objects is prohibited. The use of appliances such as washers, dryers, refrigerators, or freezers outside of the camper; or parking trailers or extra vehicles is prohibited. 5 
  11. No campsite can be retained without a camping unit (camper or erected tent) placed on the site. Vehicles, boats and other items will be removed or towed away, as necessary, at the owner’s expense. A tent not fully erected is subject to removal. The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks is not liable for property or camping units left unattended. Campers leaving for a day trip in an RV that is their only source of transportation should check with individual parks for methods of holding their site. 
  12. The washing of vehicles or campers, routine maintenance tasks, or major repairs to campers, boats, or vehicles is prohibited within State Parks or State Lakes. In the case of an emergency, the park manager should be contacted for instructions. 
  13. Gray water or sewage must be placed in the dump station (when provided). In no case is the discharge of gray water or sewage on the ground or campsite permitted nor is the storage of gray water or sewage in containers not manufactured specifically for this purpose. Violations are subject to criminal charges, fines, and/or the cost of the clean-up.
  14. Special group camping rates are available for Scouts and other non-profit groups. These groups are permitted in designated areas only. Should these groups choose to reside in the primary camping area, they are subject to the same rates and restrictions of any other camper, including occupancy restrictions.
  15. Except for reserved campsites, a campsite must be occupied the moment a site is rented.
  16. All guests and visitors are subject to entrance fee requirements. No exemptions are permitted.
  1. No use of ORV/horses in a manner destructive to campsite, grounds, roads and/or disruption to other guests.
  2. The use of roads by ORV’s and horses will be limited to the ORV/equestrian campground and only to be used to access trails. ORV/equestrian use on, through and around this camping area is prohibited. ORV and horses are prohibited on all other state park roads.
  3. No operation of ORV (1) hour past sunset.
  4. Use of line and corralling is permitted at no extra charge but must be in a non-populated approved by park management prior to set up. Distance from the campground and wind direction will be determining factors in location.
  5. Removal lines, corralling structures and any other debris (hay/manure etc.) will be the responsibility of the person renting the campsite. The campsites must be maintained and kept sanitary at all times. 
  6. Campers are expected to comply with all other applicable rules and regulations set forth in this document.
  1. A monthly lodging unit rate may be offered by selected parks. Requests for a monthly rate will be submitted to the Executive Director of the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee. This is acceptable only when the monthly occupancy does not restrict opportunities for the general public.
  2. Units will not be rented to persons under the age of 21, and children will not be left unattended overnight. The reservation holder must be present for the duration of the stay.
  3. Check-in time is 3:00 P.M. Check-out time is 11:00 A.M. All fees are payable in advance. Guests arriving after 5:00 P.M. must make prior arrangements with the park office.
  4. Overnight lodging unit areas are restricted to unit guests and visitors. Stated sleeping occupancy of cabins will not be exceeded. Contact park or parks website,, for maximum occupancy.
  5. No camping trailers will be allowed in the overnight lodging areas.
  6. Unit guests will be responsible for damages to all units and equipment. No furniture or equipment shall be moved from one unit to another.
  7. Certain overnight lodging units at state parks will be held for official state business for the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Commission, Executive Staff, elected officials, and other state employees in the performance of their duties for the State of Mississippi and the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks. The use of these facilities for official state business will require prior approval from the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.
  8. Pets are forbidden in and around the overnight lodging areas.
  9. Overnight lodging areas are restricted to registered campers and guests only. Guests shall leave the area prior to 10:00 P.M.
  1. The following rules and regulations apply to lodging and meeting facilities designated as Business Retreat Center, intended solely for persons attending training seminars, conferences or other meetings, which facilities are otherwise not suited for use by the general public or persons under the age of eighteen years.
    1. Business Retreat Center facilities shall be available for use by any business, governmental or similar entity for meetings, conferences, training, or other “retreat” purposes.
    2. Only persons attending the meeting of the entity using the Business Retreat Center may stay in park lodging associated with the Business Retreat Center.
    3. Only activities associated with the meeting purpose of the entity using the Business Retreat Center are allowed. While it is acceptable for the meeting activities to include meals 7 and reasonable social activities, the Business Retreat Center may not be used for hosting a party or reception.
    4. Persons attending meetings at a Business Retreat Center shall be expected to comply with other applicable rules and regulations of the State Park System and/or the park where the center is located. 
  2. Costs for Business Retreat Center use, begin at $500 per night and may be more depending upon what ancillary facilities or services are to be used.
  3. Business Retreat Center: Currently, the MDWFP operates a Business Retreat Center at J. P. Coleman State Park. Please contact the Mississippi State Parks at 601-432-2400 or 800-GOPARKS for additional information on reserving a Business Retreat Center for your organization.
  1. Group camps reservations require a minimum number of people to reserve and have a maximum number of people that they can accommodate. These limitations vary from park to park depending on the size of their facilities. Deposits are charged to complete reservations.
  2. From May 15th to August 15th and on holidays a minimum of 2 nights stay and 6 meals are required. From August 16th to May 14th a minimum of 1 night and no meals are required.
  3. Unit guests will be responsible for damages to all units and equipment. No furniture or equipment shall be moved from one unit to another.
  1. Children twelve (12) years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult and must not be left unattended. The adult-child ratio is a minimum of one adult per five (5) children.
  2. No diving allowed.
  3. Swimming shall be allowed only in designated, buoyed off areas of the lake. Signs will be posted stating “Swimming-Designated Areas Only.” Swimming is prohibited in all other areas of state park lakes.
  4. No pets are allowed in or around the swimming pool area or lake beach areas.
  5. Lifesaving equipment is for emergency use only; this includes ropes, buoys, flotation devices, etc. Swimmers must stay off ropes at all times.
  6. Only appropriate swimwear will be allowed. Swimming suits are required. No cutoff shorts and/or shirts will be permitted in swimming pools.
  7. No running or horseplay allowed in swimming area.
  8. Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are prohibited. Guests under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted in the pool or pool area.
  9. Swimming pools and beaches are open during posted times only. Any unauthorized 8 use could result in criminal charges.
  10. No electronic/radio-controlled boats or similar apparatus are allowed.
  11. All posted rules and regulations must be obeyed. (Posted rules and regulations may vary with individual parks.)
  12. All verbal commands by lifeguards must be obeyed.
  13. Failure to obey any and all rules and regulations may result in loss of swimming privileges with no refund. Continued abuse of rules and regulations may result in permanent loss of swimming privileges at the park manager’s discretion.
  14. Swim diapers are required for infant swimming.
  15. Height and or age restrictions may be required at some pools or attractions.
  16. Pools, beaches, and attractions will close during inclement weather. Only when management deems that the danger has passed and it is safe to return will the pool or lake reopen.
  17. No refunds or Rain Checks due to inclement weather.
  18. No food, beverages, coolers or glass containers allowed in or around a swimming area.
  19. Weak swimmers must stay in shallow water. If trained pool staff determine that a swimmer is not strong enough for a particular area, that swimmer must stay in shallow water.
  20. Water Safety Breaks shall be taken throughout the day, as needed, depending upon risk management factors.
  1. Boaters must abide by the Mississippi Boating Act of 1960 (including all revisions since its adoption) and the Alcohol Boating Safety Act of 1995.
  2. While operating a ski boat on state park lakes, boats shall operate in a counterclockwise manner in a designated area. There will be no jumping of wakes created by other boats and no 360’s. 
  3. While operating a ski boat or personal water craft on state park lakes, only one skier is permitted to be pulled at a time. Two people are permitted on a tube if tube is certified as for such. A child under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult 21 years or older. Tube kites are prohibited. 
  4. Motor boating, water skiing, and jet skiing may be permitted in designated park lakes during designated times and days, subject to the current posted boat size and motor horsepower limitations for the respective parks and lakes. (Check with individual parks or lakes for rules and regulations.)
  5. On all parks and state lakes, kite skiing is prohibited without the written permission of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee. (Check with individual parks for rules and regulations.)
  6. Racing of boats, or operation of boats to give the appearance of racing, is prohibited without the written permission of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee. Continued behavior may result in boater and/or boat being permanently banned from entering the park lake.
  7. No boat shall operate in a loud, annoying manner as to disturb other park guest(s). Boater and/or boat may be evicted from park without refund. Continued behavior may result in boater and/or boat being permanently banned from entering the park lake.
  8. Boats and jet skis must be operated at idle speed, which is any speed that does not produce a wake, except during skiing days in designated skiing areas.
  9. Swimming and wading are prohibited on State Park Lakes, except in designated areas.
  10. All persons, born after June 30, 1980, must have passed a boating education course approved by the MDWFP.
  1. Disc golf tournaments and events will be scheduled at the park’s convenience through the Park Manager or the manager’s designee.
  2. During scheduled disc golf tournaments and events, the disc golf course(s) will be closed to casual play.
  3. In addition to standard park user fees, an additional fee of $3.00 per player will be imposed for disc golf tournaments. This applies to all divisions with the exception of juniors.
  4. Disc golf tournament directors must provide the park manager or the manager’s designee a list of prizes to be given away to the participants of the tournament or event for approval prior to the awards presentation.
  5. Disc golf tournament directors are entrusted to use as many available park facilities and services as possible such as overnight lodging and food service.
  6. Disc golf tournament directors will provide a written list of tournament sponsorships to the park manager at least one week prior to the scheduled event for approval.
  7. Disc golf tournament directors are required to notify the park manager of any media coverage and/or promotional flyers for their tournament. The park manager must submit a request for approval to the Executive Director of MDWFP or his designee prior to the event taking place and must receive permission prior to allowing any media coverage or flyers to be done. Copies will be provided prior to granting approval.
  8. Individual parks may allow night-time golf within designated hours.
  9. Disc golf tournament directors must have approval from the park manager or the manager’s designee before any additional courses, either temporary or permanent, or course alterations can be made. Proposed alterations must be provided to management at least one month prior to a scheduled tournament or event.
  10. Disc golf tournament directors may not schedule a tournament within two weeks of another state park tournament without written consent from the managers of the parks with events in conflict.
  1. To destroy, cut, break, remove, mutilate, injure, take, or gather in any manner any tree, shrub, plant, rock, mineral, or historical artifact within a park property is prohibited unless authorized by the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee.
  2. No person shall throw, dump, or leave papers, cans, bottles, or other rubbish anywhere in the waters, along the roads, on picnic and camping sites, beaches, or any other lands or water of the park except in the receptacles provided for such; nor shall any person use trash receptacles for the placing of any refuse from private property in the vicinity.
  3. No person shall in any manner injure, deface, disturb, destroy, disfigure, place indecent language upon, or remove any part of a building, sign, wall, fence, tree, bench, or other structure or natural rock within the park property.
  4. No person shall bathe or wash dogs or other animals; wash vehicles or clothing, throw, cast, lay or discard into or leave any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, in the lakes, streams or waters within or adjacent to park property which would pollute such waters.
  5. Except on fields and areas provided for the purpose, no person shall play organized sports or any games involving thrown or otherwise propelled objects such as balls, stones, arrows, javelins, and model airplanes.
  6. No person shall kindle, build, maintain or use a fire other than in the places provided or designated for such purposes. In seasons of unusual dryness or excessive fire danger, fires may be prohibited anywhere within the park property by the park manager. Burn bans will be enforced.
  7. No person shall smoke in any structure on park property. In seasons of unusual dryness or excessive fire danger, smoking may be prohibited anywhere within the park property by the park manager. Burn bans will be enforced.
  8. No one shall construct or erect any building or structure on state land or water; no one shall run string or install any public service utilities without the written permission of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee.
  9. Access or rights-of-way across state property is prohibited without the written authorization of the Mississippi Commission on Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.
  10. Pets are allowed in designated areas only and shall be restrained on an adequate leash, not more than six feet long. Pets that disturb quests will be removed from the park. Persons with pets shall pick up and properly dispose of excrement deposited by pets.
  1. A rate of speed in excess of 25 miles per hour is prohibited on any park road. In congested areas, other posted limit will be enforced.
  2. No owner or driver shall cause or permit a vehicle to stand anywhere outside of designated parking areas except for a reasonable time to receive and discharge passengers.
  3. To operate a motor vehicle of any kind while impaired by intoxicating liquors, narcotic drugs, or medication is prohibited.
  4. To drive any vehicle on state park in disregard of the rights and safety of others, or to drive a vehicle within or upon a safety zone, lawn, walk, bridle path, service road, or any part of park property not designated for or customarily used for such purposes is prohibited.
  5. Vehicles shall not be permitted in cabin or camping areas unless the operator thereof is a registered guest or visitor of a registered guest within the area, and then only to travel to and from the cabin or campsite assigned to such operator. The number and type of vehicles allowed in overnight stay areas will be restricted based on available parking as determined by park management.
  6. Bicycles are permitted on state parks. All bicycles shall be restricted from use after dark unless equipped with functioning headlights and reflectors.
  7. Cyclists shall not travel park or roads more than two abreast and, if in large groups, must travel single file.
  8. The operation of off-road/ non-titled vehicles shall be in designated areas only.
  9. Any operator of any vehicle motorized or otherwise must comply with all applicable Mississippi laws.
Q. GOLF CARTS, Limited speed motor vehicles (LSMVs) and Electric Personal Assistance Mobility Devices (EPAMDs)
  1. Golf carts and LSMVs may be used on campground roads only and may not exceed 20 mph. (LSMV is a four-wheeled vehicle whose top speed is 20mph) Sidewalk and off-road use is prohibited.
  2. EPAMDs may not be operated at a speed greater than 7mph on any path, sidewalk, or trail and 15 mph on any campground road. EPAMDs are prohibited on main park roads.
  3. Operators of golf carts, LSMVs and EPAMDs must adhere to all applicable state laws. Operators of golf carts and LSMVs must possess a valid driver’s license or be a senior citizen. Only persons with disabilities (of any age) may operate EPAMDs.
  4. Occupancy may not exceed limits set by the manufacturer.
  5. Operator and passengers must remain seated while vehicle is in motion.
  6. No one may sit in the lap of the operator or passenger.
  7. Horn or other audible signal must be used when approaching pedestrians from behind.
  8. Golf carts, LSMV’s and EPAMDs must be equipped with functional headlights and tail lights to be operated at night.
  9. The use of motorized play vehicles and any other motorized vehicle that is not a golf cart or LSMV or EPAMD is prohibited.
  10. Off-road vehicles (ORVs) may only be used on parks with designated ORV trails.
  1. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or its employees shall owe no duty of care to keep the premises safe for entry or use by others for recreational activities or to give warning of any hazardous condition, use structure or activity on the premises to person entering for those purposes. Given the permission to pursue recreational activities on the premises shall not thereby:
  2. Extend any assurance that the premises are safe for those purposes;
  3. Make the person to whom permission is granted an invitee or licensee to whom a duty of care is owed; or
  4. Assume responsibility for or incur liability for any injury to person or property caused by any act of persons to whom the permission is granted.
  5. For the purposes of Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks an Off - Road Vehicle (ORV) is defined as: Any non-motorized or motorized vehicle which travels off-road for recreational purposes. ORVs include: motorbikes such as mini-bikes, dirt bikes, motor cross bikes and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). ATV , means any motorized vehicle manufactured and designed exclusively for off-road use that is fifty (50) inches or less in width, has an unladen dry weight of six hundred (600) pounds or less, travels on three (3), four (4) or more low-pressure tires, has a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and uses handlebars for steering control.
  6. No all-terrain vehicle shall be operated upon any public property by any person unless: they possess a valid driver’s license; or the person possesses a certificate of satisfactory completion of an all-terrain vehicle safety course taught by an instructor possessing qualifications approved by the Department of Public Safety (Miss. Code Ann. §63-31-3)
  7. All persons operating or riding any ORV upon any state park must wear a crash helmet that complies with minimum guidelines established by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration pursuant to the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 for helmets designed for use by motorcyclists.
  8. For the purpose of Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks accompaniment and accompanying shall be defined as: A parent or guardian, within visual and voice contact and under the effective control of minor child.
  9. An ORV or horse owner, or another person in possession of an ORV or horse, may not knowingly permit or authorize any person under age 21 to operate/ride an ORV or horse in violation of state, local, or State Park rules and regulations.
  10. Any owner of an ORV or horse, any person who gives or furnishes and ORV or horse to any person, and any parent or guardian responsible for the care of a minor under 21 years of age shall be liable for any damages caused in the operation of ORV'S or riding of horses by the minor.
  11. Both the owner and the operator/rider of an ORV or horse may be held liable for the injury and/or damages to others, state park property or wildlife resulting from an accident and/or miss-use of an ORV or horse.
  12. All ORV and horse riders users are to have on file at the Park Office waiver consent of liability. (Good for calendar year.)
  13. All ORV and horse riders/users are to register themselves and guest upon entry at Park Office.
  14. All ORV and horse rider users are required to have one person at all times proof of age and/or photo identification.
  15. All ORV users are required to have one person at all times user valid pass (Yearly or Daily).
  16. Persons less than 21 years of age but not less than 6 years of age, are required to have on file at park office a Waiver Consent signed by parent or guardian in the presence of a Park Staff Member or form must be signed by parent or legal guardian and notarized if the minor driver is coming to ride within the park without their parent or legal guardian in accompaniment. Persons (age 21 or above) accompanying youth must also sign acknowledgment or responsibility (Good for up to the Calendar Year, parents or legal guardian wanting one time use should mark appropriately so on form.)
  17. Persons under age 6 are prohibited from operating or riding an ORV within Park boundaries.
  18. Safety gear - Helmets (USDOT approved) must be worn at all times when operating an ORV.
  19. Anyone involved in an accident/incident while operating an ORV on State Park Property is subject to drug and/or alcohol testing.
  20. Reckless operation/riding, including but not limited to, wheelies, donuts, jumps or other stunts, double riding (where not recommended by manufacture) or operating an ORV at greater 14 than reasonable and prudent speed for the existing conditions is prohibited. Reckless Operation of ORVs is considered operating an ORV in such a way as to recklessly create a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to one’s self, another person or property.
  21. All ORVs, horses, must be on designated trails. Use of public roads, park roads (paved) by ORVs and horses is prohibited.
  22. ORV Campground: Cranking or idling of ORV’s is prohibited between dusk and 8:00 AM. The use of ORV’s to travel to and from restrooms is prohibited.
  23. ORV, Equestrian, Mountain Bike Trails are to be operated from 8:00 AM to sunset only.
  24. All ORVs must have a functioning spark arrester.
  25. All ORVs must have a muffler(s) in working order.
  26. ORVs must not omit a noise while in operation of 90 decibels.
  27. No ORV shall operate in a loud, annoying manner as to DISTURB other park guests.
  28. No washing of ORVs, horses, or mountain bikes is permitted on park grounds.
  29. No fluid draining or changing or any vehicles visibly leaking fluids are allowed.
  30. ORVs are not to be operated in a manner which damages or unreasonably disturbs the land, wildlife, or vegetation. ORVs, mountain bikes, and horses may not be operated/ridden in a tree nursery or planting in a manner which damages or destroys growing stock or creates risk of damage or destruction.
  31. Riding of passengers is prohibited except where your ORV is so rated for passengers by the manufacturer or as set forth by the USDOT. It is your responsibility to produce the proof of this and have it on your person at all times.
  32. ORVs must be operated while seated on the permanent, regular seat except where provided by manufacturer.
  33. ORVs, mountain bikes, and horses may not be operated/ridden in wetlands, streams or lakes.
  34. Accidents/Incidents must be reported to the park office in writing within 24 hours. Forms are obtainable at park entrance gate. If you are incapacitated, the written report may be filed by another party familiar with the accident/incident. However, that does not relieve you of your legal responsibility to file this report.
  35. Special events may be held only if: The person in charge of any ORV, equestrian, mountain bike special event or off-road competition must apply in writing to Trace State Park or the Director of Mississippi State Parks for written authorization at least 30 days in advance. Applicant must provide copy of liability insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars for the event, covering 15 the event organization, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks and its employees.
  1. Mississippi laws governing intoxicating beverages will be enforced. The park manager, park ranger, or other authorized personnel and any law officer with appropriate jurisdiction shall have full authority to prevent the public sale, distribution, or unreasonable use of alcoholic beverages by any person or group so as to constitute a nuisance, disturbance, annoyance, or which may be repugnant to the reasonable use of the park by any other member of the general public or in violation of the laws of the State of Mississippi. The clubhouses at the state park golf courses have been designated by law as qualified resort areas and as such, are not subject to these regulations, but are subject to the state laws and regulations of the State of Mississippi governing same.
  2. All federal, state, and local laws governing the illegal use, sale, distribution, or possession of any drug, narcotic, or paraphernalia shall be strictly enforced.
  3. No person shall enter or remain within the confines of a park, or the property surrounding same while in a visible or obvious intoxicated or drugged condition.
  4. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on state park lakes and in other designated areas.
  1. Pursuant to the terms of MISS. CODE ANN. § 45-9-101, as amended, any person who is not engaged in criminal activity, is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a pistol or revolver under state or federal law, and is not in a location prohibited under MISS. CODE ANN. § 45-9-101(13), or any person possessing a valid permit to carry a concealed handgun, as issued by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety - or any state which Mississippi recognizes as having reciprocal requirements for issuing such licenses - may carry a handgun concealed upon his or her person while in or on any Mississippi State Park.
  2. Open carry of a firearm may be restricted in certain sensitive areas of any Mississippi State Parks. Sensitive areas will be designated by signage as described in MISS. CODE ANN. §45-9- 101. Any questions regarding such areas may be directed to the Park Manager.
  3. Pursuant to the terms of MISS. CODE ANN. §97-37-1, a firearm is not considered to be unlawfully “concealed” if it is carried upon the person in a sheath, belt holster or shoulder holster or within any motor vehicle, nor is a loaded or unloaded pistol or revolver carried in a purse, handbag, satchel, other similar bag or briefcase or fully enclosed case, considered to be “concealed.” Any person going onto a State Park with a firearm in his or her vehicle, camper, or conveyance, or a pistol or revolver in a sheath, belt holster or shoulder holster or purse, handbag, satchel, other similar bag or briefcase or fully enclosed case, should keep the firearm in a secured condition, for the duration of their stay at the Park.
  4. No provision of this regulation shall be construed as to conflict with any applicable provision of statutory law.
  5. No person shall bring into or have in the park or the property surrounding same any explosive substance, such as dynamite, firecrackers, rockets, or torpedoes without the written permission of the Executive Director or his designee.
  1. State parks are state wildlife refuges. Hunting or trapping is prohibited within the confines of state parks except Leroy Percy Wildlife Management Area and Natchez State Park. Regulations governing hunting at these two parks are strictly enforced.
  2. Except in water areas designated for other usage, fishing is permitted in park waters with the appropriate license and permits.
  3. No trotlines, set lines, jug fishing, or commercial gears are permitted on state park lakes.
  4. Night fishing (from 30 minutes before sunset to 30 minutes after sunrise) will be permitted from the shore or from boats which are in compliance with State and Coast Guard regulations. Only idle speed and trolling motors may be used.
  5. All persons must abide by all state and federal laws and all rules and regulations governing hunting and fishing, promulgated by the Mississippi Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.
  6. Only rod and reel or pole fishing is allowed on State Park Lakes except that carp, gar, buffalo, and bowfin may be taken by use of a bow and arrow at night only after purchasing a valid permit for fishing and/or boating. No other gear is allowed at these lakes.
  1. Disorderly conduct is strictly prohibited. No person shall indulge in riotous, boisterous, threatening or indecent conduct or abusive, threatening, profane or indecent language.
  2. No person shall commit a nuisance, unreasonably disturb or annoy others, nor do any act amounting to a breach of the peace. Any person committing obscene or disorderly acts or otherwise creating a nuisance may be removed from the park by the Park Manager.
  3. No person shall operate or use radios, phonographs, or other sound producing equipment in any area of the park or lake, which is audible beyond the immediate vicinity so as to disturb any other persons.
  4. Gambling is illegal in state parks or property surrounding same. All state laws will be enforced. No person shall bring into the park or have in his possession any implements or devices commonly used or intended for gambling purposes.
  5. No person shall use comfort stations except in a clean and sanitary manner.
  6. No person, except children six years of age or younger, shall use the rest rooms designated for the opposite sex.
  7. No person shall commit any obscene, indecent, unsanitary or offensive acts, such as urination or defecation, in places not officially provided.
  8. No person shall dress, undress, or indecently expose his or her person in any area of the park where the same may be seen by any other person.
  9. Scuba diving is permitted at such time(s) and in such areas as designated by the park manager with verification of diver’s certification. Appropriate dive equipment must be used and dive flags must be visible during dive.
  10. The park Manager, or representative may, at his discretion, cause the removal or limit the stay of persons or vehicles causing any disturbance or in any way creating a nuisance.
  1. These regulations are effective within and on all state park lands under the jurisdiction of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.
  2. Disclaimer: Patrons using the facilities at any Park shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the patron to such facilities. The MDWFP reserves the right to pursue any legal means, whether civil and/or criminal, to recover its losses or damage
  3. No person shall disobey a lawful order of the Park Manager, or other authorized park personnel.
  4. No person shall violate any posted limitations established by the park concerning hours and areas during which recreation and other facilities will be open or accessible. From 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. will be considered “quiet hours.” During this time, the park may be closed to the general public with the exception of registered guests. (Check with individual parks for closing hours.)
  5. No person shall sell or offer for sale any merchandise, articles, or things, whatsoever, without the written consent of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or designee.
  6. No person shall distribute any handbills, circulate, post, place, or erect any bills, notices, papers, advertising devices, or matter of any kind without the written consent of the park manager.
  7. No person shall solicit contributions for any purpose without the written consent of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or designee.
  8. No person shall use, or gain admittance to or attempt to use or remain in a facility within a park for which a charge is required without paying the fees. All fees are payable in advance except for group camp lodging, meals and banquet meals, which will require a deposit.
  9. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks is authorized to close parks, or portions thereof, on a seasonal basis, or for special events, or on certain days of the week, or for exigent circumstances.
  10. The park manager is authorized to close the park under his supervision, or any portion thereof, at any time he reasonably believes it necessary for the maintenance of peace, good order, or the protection and safety of the persons or property in or upon the park or its environs. The 18 Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee will be notified prior to, but if not then, immediately of any such action, and it shall be confirmed in writing. 
  11. Upon closing of a park, or portion thereof, the manager shall be required to remove all unauthorized persons and their belongings from the park, or closed portion thereof.
  12. It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to be in a state park, or a portion thereof, when it is closed to the public by order of the park manager.
  13. Personal Injuries or Accidents: The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks is not responsible for any accidents or injuries to any persons while on state park property when using state park facilities, except as provided for in MISS. CODE ANN. §11-46-1 through 11-46-23. Persons suffering an injury or accident while on a state park or using the facilities of either should file a notice of claim in writing addressed to the Executive Director of the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks. The notice of claim must contain a brief statement of the facts and circumstances surrounding the injury, extent of the injury, time and place the injury occurred, names of all persons involved, amount of damages sought, and address of the person filing the notice of claim.
  14. Lost or Stolen Articles: The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks shall not be responsible for any property or article lost, stolen, or damaged from any cabin, camp pad, bathhouse, parking area, park, or facility.
  15. No livestock or other animals, other than horses on designated bridle paths or trails, will be allowed on state parks except with written permission of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee. A copy of a current Negative Coggins test is mandatory for each horse, and must be on file, prior to unloading horses on state park lands.
  16. No one shall use portable generators without the permission of the park manager.
  17. No one shall use metal detectors on any Mississippi State Park. (See, MISS. CODE ANN. §39-7-4)
  18. Except in an extreme emergency, the operation of aircraft on land or water or the air delivery of any person or thing by parachute, helicopter, hot air balloon or other means, without the written permission of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, is prohibited.
  19. No person or group shall be given special consideration or free services without the express written approval of the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or his designee. Such authority will only be exercised under rare circumstances.
  20. Any park visitor at a State Park may be asked if he or she has a criminal background including, but not limited to, any felony convictions. The state parks are family-oriented facilities. As such, there are usually children staying at the parks. Pursuant to MISS. CODE ANN. §45-33-49, the Mississippi State Parks have a duty to inform their patrons of the presence of registered sex offenders on a state park. Any person who is a registered sex offender must provide the Park with a notice of his or her status. Any registered sex offender, who does provide the Park with notice of his or her status, may be removed from the park or refused access to park facilities.
  21. Rental units and campsites will not be rented to any person under 21 years of age. Exception may be granted by the Executive Director or designee.
  22. Note: All rules and regulations set forth above do not apply to Shepard State Park which is being operated and maintained by the City of Gautier for the State of Mississippi.