If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Responsible trail enthusiasts, have much in common, they have an appreciation for our public lands and want to enjoy what our public lands have to offer. Smart trail use includes adherence to some basis safety practices. Trails are shared recreation amenities and are accessed by a variety of users at the same time. Please be courteous to all users, and remember that pedestrians have the right-of-way. All trail users should stay to the right on the trail.
Trails are open to and shared by equestrians, Off-Highway-Vehicle (OHV) riders, bicycle riders, runners and hikers. Trail sharing can and does work when people respect each other and work cooperatively to keep each other safe.
While it is important for people to respect each other on the trail, it is important to remember that equestrians are dealing not only with other trail enthusiasts' personalities, they also are working with horses whose temperaments are as individual as our own. Horses' natural instincts can influence their behaviors and affect the way they react to circumstances encountered on the trail.
Conversely, OHV riders, bicycle riders, runners and hikers must understand that "equestrian only" trails must be respected for the safety of both the horse and rider. These trails offer the opportunity for horsemen to acclimate their horses to basic trail conditions without encountering "unknown threats" that can trigger the horse's natural instinct of flight.
When young or inexperienced horses encounter new conditions on the trail like OHVs, bicycles, runners and hikers, and even certain scents, the flight response can end with disastrous results for the horse or rider.
When equestrians on well-trained horses and other responsible trail enthusiasts meet each other on the trail the encounters can be enjoyable social exchanges if the groups understand how to work together to keep the encounters safe.
Common Courtesy
Whether biking alone, or with your fellow biking friends, it is always important to remember the basics that will keep your cycling both fun and safe. The follow points might come across as really obvious, however, it is normally by ignoring or forgetting one of these simple facts that a great day's cycling turns into a bit of a nightmare. Here are our suggestions for you.