If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
See more information regarding season dates and bag limits for hunting in Mississippi.
Mississippi's public lands are subject to special seasons and regulations that may vary from statewide seasons and regulations. It is always suggested to check the rules and regulations for the specific location you are interested in hunting before visiting. See more information on MDWFP's Wildlife Management Areas.
Any person 16 years of age and older must have both a federal waterfowl stamp (or temporary proof of electronic purchase) and a state waterfowl stamp (or proof of electronic purchase) in order to hunt migratory waterfowl (ducks and geese). If a physical stamp is in possession, it must be signed by the hunter across the face of the stamp. Exempt landowners and hunters over the age of 65 also must have these stamps when hunting waterfowl. Dove, rail, gallinule, coot, woodcock, crows, and snipe are not classified as waterfowl and may be hunted without such stamps.
Please note: the federal waterfowl stamp expires on June 30th of every year, regardless of when it is purchased. Please make sure your federal waterfowl stamp is up to date before heading outdoors.
All licensed hunters hunting migratory game birds (dove, rail, gallinule, coot, woodcock, snipe, crows, and waterfowl (ducks and geese) must be H.I.P. (Harvest Information Program) certified. H.I.P. certified means taking the Migratory Bird Survey at time of license purchase or separately.