If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Wild hogs, skunks, foxes, coyotes, beavers, and nutria are classified as nuisance species in Mississippi.
No person shall trap on the lands of another unless he has the permission of the landowner.
Persons trapping nuisance animals, other than wild hogs, must have a valid Mississippi trapping license, unless otherwise exempt.
Persons trapping wild hogs must possess a valid Lifetime, All Game, Sportsman, or Trapping License, unless otherwise exempt.
Persons hunting nuisance animals must possess a valid Lifetime, All Game, or Sportsman’s License, unless otherwise exempt.
Persons hunting nuisance animals with archery equipment and/or with primitive weapons during archery or primitive weapons season must possess either a valid Lifetime, Sportsman License, or an All Game Hunting License and the Archery/Primitive Weapon Permit, unless otherwise exempt.
Live nuisance animals may not be possessed except:
No person may transport on public roads or off of the property of record where captured or relocate within the state any live feral hog, wild swine, or Russian Boar within the State of Mississippi.
Wild hogs may not be caught or trapped and released into the wild at a location different from the location where the wild hog was caught or trapped, or otherwise transported live in the State of Mississippi. Wild hogs only may be released alive from the property of origin for the purpose of slaughter into an enclosure on the property of origin no larger than 500 square feet in size and constructed in a manner that prevents the escape of any wild hog.
No person may import into the state or release into the wild, any live feral hog, wild swine or Russian Boar. A violation of this section, upon conviction, is punishable as a Class I violation.
Any part of any nuisance animal that has been lawfully taken, may be sold year-round, with the exception of wild hog meat. No meat or other part of a wild hog may be sold without having first been inspected and approved by the US Department of Agriculture and/or the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce pursuant to the laws, rules, and regulations of those entities.
The only nuisance animals that may be sold alive are coyotes and fox per 40 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 2, Rule 8.1 (General Rules for Fox, Coyote and Rabbit Pens).