If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
There are several public lands that are open to quail hunting in Mississippi, including Wildlife Management Areas (WMA), National Forests, National Wildlife Refuges, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lands (see links below). The presence and abundance of quail on these areas vary depending on habitat quality and quantity.
Always check area regulations for open season dates and bag limits. A Wildlife Management Area User Permit (may be purchased anywhere hunting licenses are sold) is required of anyone using a WMA, unless exempt from purchasing a hunting and fishing license. For other public lands, consult the administrative agency for information on regulations and permits that may be required.
The 2023 - 2024 quail hunting season is from November 23 - March 2. The daily bag limit is 8 quail.
Pen-raised quail may be released and hunted on private land during the statewide quail season. However, state bag limits must be observed. To harvest more released birds than bag limits dictate or to hunt released birds outside of the statewide quail hunting season, a shooting preserve license or dog training permit is required.
Tamed Quail Shooting Dog Training Permits are useful for persons wishing to train dogs with pen-raised quail outside of the statewide quail season. These dog training permits allow the holder to use marked, pen-raised quail to train dogs, and marked, pen-raised quail may be recaptured or shot. Marking may be achieved with a suitable dye (such as hair dye), tags, or bands. Contact a commercial supplier of tags and bands for more information on sizes and types available. Local farm supply stores may be able to obtain bands or tags. An internet search can quickly yield other sources.
A hunting license is required to harvest pen-raised quail on a shooting preserve. Shooting preserves must meet and follow some specific requirements. For more information on shooting preserves, view or download the regulations for establishing a quail shooting preserve.
For more information on quail hunting opportunities, email Rick Hamrick at rick.hamrick@wfp.ms.gov, or contact our Jackson Office at (601) 432-2199, Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm.