If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Hunters who wish to certify an alligator as a potential state record of harvest should contact the MDWFP at (601) 432-2217 or (after business hours) (601) 432-2170. Hunters should be prepared to provide the following information at the time of your call:
The Alligator Program Coordinator will return the call ASAP, usually within 24 hours. If deemed a potential record by the program coordinator, arrangements will be made to meet with MDWFP personnel to obtain an official weight or length measurement.
Regarding Weight Records: Since weights are so difficult to estimate and vary greatly, hunters must pre-weigh their alligator before contacting the MDWFP. If certified scales are not available, then efforts should be made by the hunter to obtain a weight from a reputable source of scales. Weight certification must be on certified scales or other MDWFP approved scales and witnessed by an MDWFP officer or biologist.
Measuring tips: