If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Have you ever wondered what the score was of the largest buck in your county? Or the beard length of the heaviest turkey scored in Mississippi? Thanks to the Mississippi Deer and Wild Turkey Records Program, you don't have to guess anymore!
The Magnolia Records Program is the official white-tailed deer record-keeping program for the State of Mississippi. It is a program of the Mississippi Wildlife Federation (MWF) in collaboration with the MDWFP. This program gives hunters across the state the opportunity to appreciate and showcase truly magnificent trophy deer that have been harvested.
The Magnolia Records Program serves two purposes: First, it is a means of recognizing outstanding white-tailed deer taken in Mississippi. Second, it provides management information that allows MDWFP wildlife biologists to identify areas that produce quality bucks.
The Magnolia Records Program is not, however, a "big buck" contest that awards the winner(s) with cash and/or prizes. The name of the hunter, official score, and county of harvest, along with other necessary information, will be placed on the state records list. Deer hunters who successfully harvest a deer in Mississippi with trophy-sized antlers are encouraged to have their antlers scored for possible entry into the state records list. Only deer harvested in Mississippi according to the then-current rules and regulations of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks or pick-up antlers (skull plate attached) are eligible for scoring.
The antler scoring system used for the Magnolia Records Program is identical to that used by the B&C and P&Y Clubs. The minimum scores for the Magnolia Records Program are 125 - Typical, 155 - Non-Typical. All white-tailed deer taken legally within Mississippi during any prior hunting season are eligible to participate in the Magnolia Records Program. All entrants meeting the minimum requirements of the Magnolia Records Program will receive an official Magnolia Records Program Certificate. If the deer has been officially scored for Boone & Crockett, Pope & Young, or Longhunters purposes, please bring the official score sheet with your mount to the scoring session.
The antler scoring system used for the Magnolia Records Program is identical to that used by the B&C and P&Y Clubs. All antlers must undergo a minimum 60-day drying period before they can be officially scored. There is no time limit concerning how long ago a deer was harvested for listing in the state records. In order to qualify for the program, the antlers must be scored by an official scorer of the B&C Club, P&Y Club, Longhunter Society, or the Magnolia Records Program. A hunter's best bet to get an official score for their buck will be at one or more scoring sessions that will be scheduled in the upcoming year.
Minimum antler scores for the Magnolia Records Program are 125 - Typical, 155 - Non-Typical. These minimum scores should allow every county in the state to be represented.
There are 82 counties in the state, with varying potential in the size of bucks that each county can produce. Because the soils in the Lower Coastal Plain are not as productive as those of the Delta region, the size of the bucks there on average will not be as large. Having county-by-county listings levels the "playing field" and should give many hunters a true sense of accomplishment.
Search statewide or county records by name or ranking to see total score, weight, and more for turkeys harvested in Mississippi.
*Photo credit: Grand View Outdoors