First, let me state that extensive stands of mature, natural forests provide better turkey habitat than pine plantations, but plantations can contribute to wild turkey habitat when examined in the overall landscape. If an area contained nothing but 10,000 acres of short rotation pine plantations, turkey habitat would be very poor. However, as mentioned above, within any plantation system are many streamside zones, inoperable areas, etc. that provide habitat not available within pine plantations. In other words, the value of pine plantations as habitat should be evaluated within the landscape context where they occurs.
The Kemper County turkey study provides examples. The study in Kemper County found that (1) over 80% of nests were located in 13 - 20 year old pine plantations and nests were located more frequently in pine stands than in natural stands, (2) poults 1 - 14 days old used 14 - 20-year-old plantations that were thinned and burned an average of 3 - 4 years prior (3) ancillary observations of turkeys occurred in plantations 88% of the time and all nests and most broods used plantations, (4) SMZ were an important habitat feature for wild turkeys, (5) survival rates of hens on Kemper County were similar to those in more "traditional" habitat, and (6) turkeys were more likely to use plantations that had forest access roads in, or adjacent to, them. The conclusions drawn were that plantations, mostly 13 - 18 years old and burned and thinned at least once, were selected by hens for nesting and brooding over other habitat types, that the most important phase of wild turkey ecology, the reproductive phase, occurred mostly in plantation habitats, and that SMZ and forest access roads were an important habitat component. Another conclusion, supported by similar research in Alabama, was that hens accepted a wide range of conditions within plantations, attesting to their adaptability. In a 1991 scientific paper, Dr. Hurst determined plantation-dominated landscapes could support huntable populations but did recommend maintaining areas of mature hardwood and pine-hardwood.
Now for the important question. Sure, plantation systems can provide adequate habitat, but how many turkeys can be supported? Graduate student Mike Weinstein determined hen density varied from 0.4/mi2 - 1.2/mi2 and gobbler density varied between 0.1/mi2 - 0.8/mi2 on the Kemper County study area. These densities are comparable to turkeys in other areas and higher than densities in many areas. Densities for hens and gobblers combined from other areas were: 0.1/mi2 (NH), 1.5/mi2 (KY), 0.2/mi2 (NC), and 0.5/mi2 (TN). In Alabama, on an area with < 10% openings, density was about 0.4 turkeys/mi2 and in heavily forested areas of Missouri, turkey density varied from 0.2 - 2.2/mi2. On areas composed of >10% openings, turkey densities can be much higher. Obviously, it is not possible to maintain a large percentage of openings on an area devoted to growing trees. So, densities in Kemper County were similar, or higher, than those in other heavily forested areas.
Dr. Hurst and his students also conducted turkey research on the Tallahala Wildlife Management Area (TWMA) concurrent with the Kemper County research. My dissertation was the summary of data collected for 13 years on TWMA. Tallahala was in a more natural state, managed by the U.S. Forest Service cooperatively with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, and was composed mostly of mature pine and hardwood forests. We compared turkey reproduction between TWMA and Kemper County, and found that productivity (number of poults produced) was similar on both areas and that nests in Kemper County experienced lower predation rates than hens on TWMA. Pine plantations on TWMA were not preferred habitat. However, these plantations were about 3 - 14 years old and unthinned. These stands were typical of the time pine stands have a closed canopy before being thinned; definitely poor turkey habitat. Gobblers on TWMA preferred young clearcuts, likely due to production of insects and seeds.
What does all this mean? To me, it indicates that turkeys not only can survive in pine plantation systems, but can actually do quite well. Not too many years ago, it was thought turkeys could only survive in extensive stands of hardwood forests. Today, we know that is not true. Wild turkeys are remarkably adaptable and can survive in a wide range of environments. However, I feel that certain practices must be conducted to maintain good populations of turkeys on these areas.
These practices include:
- A reasonable proportion of the area should be maintained in SMZs or other set aside areas to provide a mature forest component. Hard mast production in such areas can be important. The amount of area needed in mature forest has not been studied.
- A large proportion of the area needs to be in longer rotations (> 25 years) that include 1 - 3 thinnings. Thinning sets back succession and provides the forb/grass understory preferred by turkeys. Prescribed burning during the rotation would be very helpful as well. Today, some acres are managed with extreme intensity and harvested for pulpwood in 12 - 15 years; this provides little habitat value for turkeys (see below), but is not detrimental as long as most of the area is in longer rotations.
- A good diversity of stands (i.e., different ages of plantations mixed with non-plantation habitats) across an operational area is essential to provide multiple habitat opportunities for turkeys. In such a landscape, older clearcuts and stands thinned > 3 years ago provide nesting habitat, young clearcuts (< 3 years old), newly thinned stands (< 5 years ago), and roadsides provide foraging areas for all turkeys and brood habitat, SMZ provide hard mast, roosting sites, foraging areas, brood habitat and travel lanes, and older (> 18 years old) pine plantations provide roost sites (and foraging areas if recently thinned). Again, prescribed fire will only enhance habitat conditions for turkeys.
Although it appears turkeys can do well in most pine plantation systems, recent trends in forest industry has caused concern among some biologists.
Some of the concerns are:
- Increasing number of acres under extremely intensive management. Although a very small proportion of forested lands are managed this way, these areas provide very little in the way of suitable wildlife habitat. An area under very intensive management is characterized by high planting densities, frequent herbicide/insecticide treatments, and usually very short (12 - 15 years) rotations, primary for pulp production (e.g., paper). This type of management results in a site with very little besides pine trees and dirt, with little to no forage or cover for wildlife. However, justification of this type management is that if a lot of wood fiber is produced on a few acres, the remaining acres can be managed less intensively and take non-wood values into consideration, particularly wildlife habitat. Weyerhaeuser is currently not practicing this type of forestry.
- Declines in prescribed burning in pine forests, especially those owned by the forest industry. A decade or so ago, prescribed fire was frequently used for plantation management; not so anymore. Turkeys, and other wildlife, benefit greatly from prescribed burning and lack of burning decreases habitat quality for turkeys. The primary reasons for a lack of burning are concerns over liability and smoke management, although some industry lands are still burned for silvicultural reasons, specifically for wildlife habitat improvement, or for fuel reduction in high arson areas. However, gone are the days when most plantations every 3 - 5 years for silvicultural reasons.
- The decline in prescribed burning has been an associated increase in use of forest herbicides to control competing vegetation. Although some herbicides, used alone, can actually improve habitat conditions for some species, some landowners are using tank mixtures, resulting in broader control, that likely has a negative effect on early successional plant communities. However, little research has documented these effects.