If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
The Spring Gobbler Hunter Survey (SGHS) was initiated in 1995 as a means of collecting long-term data on turkey activity and populations. The survey's success is dependent on a legion of hunters who are interested in assisting turkey management in Mississippi by voluntarily sharing their experiences afield. From their observations, biologists at the MDWFP gain valuable information on trends in gobbling activity, hunter effort, harvest rates, age structure, and sex ratios. This incredible dataset assists the MDWFP in monitoring Mississippi's turkeys and making decisions in the best interest of the resource and hunters.
No matter your skill or experience level, your observations are valuable and your participation is welcome. There will be absolutely no cost to you to take part in the program, and your data will not be shared. Taking a minute or two of time to jot down your observations following each hunt is the survey's only requirement.
If you have never participated in the SGHS but would like to become involved, you can:
When you enroll, or just prior to the spring turkey season, you will receive data collection materials, including instructions, and a prepaid return envelope.
For questions, or to participate in the SGHS, please contact: