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Malmaison WMA is located in Grenada, Carroll, and Leflore Counties near Greenwood. From Grenada take Hwy. 8 West to Hwy. 7. Take Hwy. 7 South approximately 7 miles to Malmaison Headquarters Road. Turn left and follow road to 628 Malmaison Headquarters Road. If you have any questions regarding Malmaison WMA, call (662) 487-9070 or email northwestwmas@wfp.ms.gov.
Do you like the thought of being able to change ecosystems within a matter of minutes? You can do just that at Malmaison Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Because Malmaison WMA lies within two distinct geomorphological landscapes (hills and expansive floodplain), flora and fauna species differ drastically from one part of the WMA to the other. This 9,483 acre WMA is as diverse and unique as any other public area in the state. State Highway 7 divides the WMA at the delta/hills interface in Grenada County. Roughly 800 acres of the WMA lies in the fertile loess hills and the rest in the equally fertile Yalobusha/Mississippi River floodplain. Malmaison WMA attracts people from the surrounding towns of Grenada and Greenwood, MS as well as from many other parts of the state.
Mature stands of upland red and white oaks, loblolly, and beech, interrupted by managed wildlife openings, dominate the hills section of the WMA. Mature stands of more water tolerant oak species, ash, elm, sugarberry, maple, cypress, and bitter pecan dominate the landscape in the delta section of the WMA. Old fields and managed openings are also scattered throughout the delta section. The Yalobusha River lazily meanders through Malmaison WMA. Oxbow lakes, cypress-tupelo swamps, sloughs, and seasonal wetlands are abundant. A spectacular suite of songbirds, birds-of-prey, waterfowl, and wading birds are seasonally abundant. Wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, and squirrels call Malmaison WMA home year around. The WMA has offered superb hunting and fishing opportunities to sportsmen and women since 1978.
The permit station with cards is located at the intersection of HWY 7 and the headquarters.