Now integrated into the new MDWFP HuntFish app, checking in and out of a WMA and managing your licenses and permits has never been easier.

Conveniently check in and out of Wildlife Management Areas with limited cell phone service for most features. Enjoy additional features such as interactive maps with directions and information on Mississippi’s public lands and waters, current weather conditions with sunrise/sunset tables, and other helpful resources like contact information, outdoor digests, and more. 

How to Check-In/Out

Checking In 

  1. Open the MDWFP HuntFish app and tap the "WMA Check-In" tile. 
  2. Choose “Check-In To WMA”. 
  3. Select WMA: 
    • Pick the WMA you want to check into. 
    • Leave the time as “now” or schedule up to 24 hours in advance. 
    • Provide your license plate number and tap “Next”. 
  4. Select your activity (hunting, hiking, etc.), and tap “Next”. 
    • Review your information and update any incorrect details before proceeding. 
    • Read and acknowledge the disclaimers. 
  5. Complete Check-In.  
    Note: Once checked in, you cannot check into another WMA until you check out. 

During Your Trip 

  1. You can leave the check-in screen to use other app functions, such as: 
    • Viewing your licenses. 
    • Reporting harvests in Game Check. 

Checking Out 

  1. Tap Checkout:  
    • Tap the "Check Out" button at the bottom of the screen. 
  2. Answer Questions: 
    • Provide details about activities you selected at check-in (e.g., species hunted). 
    • Fill out the hunter satisfaction surveys. 
  3. If your hunt was successful, report the harvest. Some harvested species may have additional questions or further requirements.  
    • Reporting your turkey harvest as a part of the WMA Check Out process DOES NOT satisfy your requirement to comply with Game Check. This can be done by utilizing the Game Check feature of the mobile app. 
    • If you harvest a deer, certain biological data should also be recorded at the appropriate check-stations within the WMA. 
  4. Fill Out Any Other Surveys:  
    • Complete required questions (e.g., hiking surveys). 
  5. Finish Checkout: 
    • Tap Complete Checkout to finish. 
    • You can now check into a new WMA or review your history.

Reviewing History 

  1. Go to WMA History to view: 
    • Past check-ins. 
    • Submitted answers. 
Download the MDWFP HuntFish App
Checking in and out of a WMA and managing your licenses and permits has never been easier.

More Information


The Mississippi HuntFish app provides easy access to information and services such as a digital license display, regulations, season dates, game check, and much more.

Caston Creek

Looking for a place to hunt? MDWFP has more than 50 Wildlife Management Areas across the state that are open to hunting.