
Looking for a unique way to buy, sell, or trade your goods and wares in the great outdoors? Look no further! Bring your treasures to Trading Treasures Barter Day, where you can set up at your reserved campsite or a designated space for just $25/day (if you don’t have a reserved site). Shoppers, it’s just $5 per car to browse all the amazing finds!

On Saturday, join the excitement of our Cast Iron Campfire Cook-Off! Think you’ve got the best cast iron dish? Show us what you've got! Judging starts at 5 PM, and the winner will score bragging rights and a park T-shirt! 

 Barter Day Rules: No firearms or alcohol sales/trades.
 Cook-Off Rules: Main courses must be prepared on-site using cast iron. Let the park know in advance if you’re competing!

Don't miss this two-day event full of fun, flavor, and trading treasures!

 Location: Hugh White State Park
 Contact us for more info: Louis Correro, Park Manager, louis.correro@wfp.ms.gov or 662-226-4934


Parks & Destinations
Hugh White State Park Trading Treasures Barter Day and Campground Cook-Off
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Trading Treasures Barter Day and Campground Cook-Off Image

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