
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of NatureFEST! 

This event is a festival, a nature outing, and a fascinating museum trip all wrapped into one exciting day! 

From live animals encounters to fish feedings by divers in our giant aquariums, NatureFEST! offers something for everyone.

Families and young budding scientists won't want to miss: 

  • live demonstrations of Mississippi reptiles

  • citizen scientist explorations

  • behind-the-scenes tours with our scientists

  • Wild Acres MS: Eurasian Lynx, Macaw, Three-Banded Armadillo, and more animals

  • Freedom Ranch Wildlife Center

  • Rock wall climbing, an obstacle course/bounce house, and a soccer wall.

FOOD TRUCKS (not included with admission or Membership):

Check back soon for more info.

This event is included with museum admission or MMNSF Membership.

wild acres ms macaw coming to nature fest 2025wild acres ms eurasian lynx coming to nature fest 2025Research lab and staff at NatureFestnaturefestnaturefestalligatorsnobiz logo

skinny burgers logo

freedom ranch wildlife center logowild acres ms logo
Museum of Natural Science
Family Friendly
Seasonal Event

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Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science