Creating an account with the new MDWFP License System gives you seamless access to all the tools you need for hunting, fishing, and boating in Mississippi. Access key features like your licenses and permits, boat registrations, Game Check, and our brand-new mobile app.

We’re also introducing a new login process to enhance security and convenience. With our new license system, customers will have the ability to login across platforms with just a valid email address and password.

Creating a New Account

To access and manage your licenses and permits with ease, you’ll need to first create an account. Follow our step by step guide to register, verify your details, and start accessing key features.

Already have an account with us? Don’t worry – You will have the opportunity to connect your new account with any current profiles you have already created.

Creating an Account - Mobile App

Please note: You will be required to input a Hunter Education number at the time of login. You can retrieve your hunter education number by clicking here.

Signing in for New Users:

If you have not already completed your account setup on a desktop, you may do so via the Mobile App by:

  1. Find and install the MDWFP HuntFish app from the Apple Store or Google Play. 
  2. Open the app and Click the “Sign Up” button at the top of the page. 
  3. You’ll be redirected to a sign-in page. 
  4. Select “Continue to PayIt Sign In”. 
  5. Enter your email address. 
  6. Create a password and continue to log in.  
  7. Verify your email. A confirmation code will be sent to you via text or email. Enter that six-digit code to verify your email address. 
  8. Enter the required details. 
  9. Complete Sign-In. You’ll be redirected to the app and logged into your MDWFP HuntFish account. 

Signing in for Existing Users:

If you have already completed your account setup outside of the Mobile App, you may simply login by:

  1.  Find and install the MDWFP HuntFish app from the Apple Store or Google Play. 
  2. Open the app and tap the “Sign Up” button at the top of the page. 
  3. You’ll be redirected to a sign-in page. 
  4. Select “Continue to PayIt Sign In”. 
  5. Enter your email address. 
  6. Enter your password, then tap “Log In”.  
  7. Confirm that the displayed account is you by tapping “Confirm”. 
Creating an Account - Website

Please note: You will be required to input a Hunter Education number at the time of login. You can retrieve your hunter education number here.

How to Create an Account:

  1. Visit
  2. Select the "Account" tab in the top right corner.  
  3. Enter your email address and select “Continue.”  
  4. Create a password and select “Sign Up.” 
  5. Follow the prompts to authenticate your account (such as providing a six-digit code from email.)  
  6. Verify your identity via one of the options shown on screen. If you have had an account with MDWFP before, your information will be confirmed on the screen. 
  7. Provide your information to create your profile. Provide your driver's license number and the state where it was issued. From there, you will be taken to the new MDWFP system. 
  8. Finish your profile by completing the fields on screen. Select “Save” to complete the process.

Linking Profiles

Customers have the opportunity to create and remove relationships between users with the License System. This is beneficial for parents or guardians managing their youth profiles or individuals who run multiple profiles for their family unit. Linked users will have different options depending upon ages of those involved. You will see information on two different methods of creating a linked profile: 

Guardian - The user in the guardian role can manage a secondary profile in its entirety. This is an ideal relationship for parents looking to manage youth profiles, but is applicable to any age, allowing you to manage individuals over 18 who do not have a valid email address. This is the most commonly used relationship between users.

Peer to Peer - Users in a peer-to-peer relationship will have limited access to a secondary account allowing them to perform limited actions on behalf of that account. The other profile must have a full account including a login with an email address and password. They are not allowed full access to each other’s accounts, thereby protecting the privacy of the adult customer. This relationship is only applicable to users over the age of 19.

Linking Individuals 18 and Under
  1. Login to the MDWFP License System
    • Be sure to create your account prior to creating any additional user profiles.
  2. Navigate to the Linked User Section
    • In the profile drop down menu, go to the "Linked User" location or menu. 
    • Select the option to "Link a User."
  3. Create or Search for the User
    • Some individuals might have an existing profile that is transferred from the prior License System. If the user already exists, you may search for their profile. 
    • Otherwise, select the option to create a new customer
  4. Fill Out the Required Information
    • Enter the necessary details for the new user, including their date of birth. 
    • Complete all required fields, including their address. 
    • Note: Social Security and Driver’s License details are not required for users under 13.
  5. Handle Communication Preferences
    • For Users 12 and Under: Email fields will be grayed out (no email address is required). You have the opportunity to set preferences to ensure the child does not receive text messages or promotional emails.
    • For Users Ages 13-18: Users in this age range may have an email address attached to their profile. This email can be used to give them login access to manage their account independently. You would still be able to manage the account in its entirety as long as you are linked to the account.
  6. Consent and Permissions:
    • In the "Access Info" step, you may:
      • For Users 12 and Under: Confirm that you are the child’s legal guardian or authorized to manage their account under COPPA consent.
      • For Users Ages 13-18: If needed, assign the email address as the login for the user. 
        • This will allow them to log in and manage their account, while still being linked to a guardian.
        • Once the email is provided, they will receive an email prompting them to complete setting up their account.
      • For both age ranges, you may choose to “Disallow Other Guardians” if you don’t want other adults to link to this child’s account.
  7. Submit and Create the Profile 
    • Submit the form to create the child’s profile. 
  8. Manage the Linked Profile 
    • Once the profile is created and linked, you can manage it as the users’s guardian. 
Linking Individuals 19 and Over
  1. Log In as a Customer 
    • Use your account to log in to the platform.
  2. Navigate to the Linked User Section 
    • Go to the "Linked User" page and select "Link a New User."  
  3. Create or Search for a Customer 
    • Search for an existing customer or choose to create a new one. 
    • Fill out the required details, including: 
      • Name 
      • Address 
      • Date of birth (ensure the user is over the age of 18). 
      • Driver’s license number and Social Security number (if applicable).  
  4. Add Email Address (Optional) 
    • You can provide an email address for the new user to give them login access, but this step is optional. 
  5. Choose the Relationship Type 
    1. Guardian Relationship 
    2. Peer Relationship 
  6. Finalize the Relationship 
    • For a peer relationship, an email will be sent to the user to create their account. 
    • Complete the process to link the new adult user to your profile.

By following these steps, you can link an adult user to your account either as a peer or in a guardian-member relationship. 

Disconnecting Guardian Relationships

How to Disconnect a Linked Account in MDWFP

1. Navigate to your account in the MDWFP License System.

2. Select the Linked Accounts tab.

3. You will see a list of accounts currently linked to yours.

4. Find the account you want to disconnect and click "Disconnect."

5. The link will be removed, and the account will no longer be associated with yours.

Important Note: If your account is the only Guardian account for a member under 13, you cannot disconnect it.

Linking and Disconnecting a Peer to Peer Relationship
  1. Log In 
    • Start by logging in to your account.
    • This action is limited to individuals ages 19+; therefore, only adult accounts can create Peer to Peer relationships.
  2. Create a Peer-to-Peer Link 
    • Go to your linked user section and select "Link a User." 
    • Search for an existing customer or create a new one if needed. 
    • Choose the "Peer-to-Peer" connection option (not "Guardian"). 
    • Submit the request, which will send an approval notification to the other customer. 
  3. Approve the Peer-to-Peer Link 
    • The other customer will receive an email or can log in to view the pending request in their linked user section. 
    • Approve the request to establish the connection. 
  4. Make Purchases Using Peer-to-Peer Link 
    • Navigate to the catalog and choose the items you wish to purchase. 
    • Use the dropdown menu to switch between linked users (e.g., Molly or Hunter). 
    • Add items to the cart for each individual while maintaining separate profiles. 
    • Complete the checkout process, including filling out payment details and submitting the transaction. 
    • Receipts and transaction documents for both users will be sent via email. 
  5. Manage Peer-to-Peer Transactions 
    • Both users can make purchases on behalf of the other, as long as the link remains active. 
  6. Disconnect a Peer-to-Peer Link 
    • Go to the linked user section and select the option to disconnect. 
    • Confirm the disconnect action. 
    • No notification is sent; the disconnect happens immediately. 

By following these steps, you can create, use, and manage peer-to-peer relationships efficiently. 

Learn More


The Mississippi HuntFish app provides easy access to information and services such as a digital license display, regulations, season dates, game check, and much more.

Game Check Deer

Learn more about Game Check and download the MDWFP app to report your white-tailed deer and turkey harvests.

WMA Check In App

A more efficient method of accessing Mississippi’s Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) is now available via the MDWFP HuntFish app.