Since 2014, the Visitor Education Center has received over 4,500 pieces of artwork from youth representing over 150 Mississippi schools. This contest is sponsored by the Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Foundation


See bottom of the page for Judging Criteria and FAQs. The contest is only for Mississippi students.

Judging Criteria

Wildlife Message:

Accuracy of Species (e.g., color, markings, etc.)
Accuracy of Behavior (e.g., interactions with young, environment, etc.)
Accuracy of Habitat
Overall Wildlife Message
Creativity and Overall Composition

Artistic Elements:

Originality (creativity)
Elements of Art (line, color, space, form, media, texture)
Medium (appropriate use of materials)
Use of Space (perspective and mass)
Overall Composition
Degree of Difficulty (appropriate for artist's age and ability)


Can more than one student work on a collaborative project?

No. Categories are limited to one piece per one youth.

Can students with special needs participate?

Yes! Students of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate.

When will students receive their magazine and certificate?

The art contest article usually appears in the Sept/Oct issue of MS Outdoors. Certificates are usually mailed in June after judging is completed and winners are notified. The address provided on the forms is the address the VEC will use to mail these items.

When will judging be completed?

The judging varies from year to year. Judging is usually completed before Memorial Day weekend.

Who picks up art pieces, the parents or the school?

Parents and/or art teachers will be allowed to pick up artwork. Please contact your child’s art teacher to inquire about pick-up or contact the VEC at (662) 563-8688 to see if artwork is pending pick-up.

Do the same judges grade the artwork each year?

No. Judges will vary year to year.

Can students from other state participate?

The contest is limited to Mississippi youth.

What Media is accepted?

Media accepted includes but is not limited to:

  • Water color
  • Pencil
  • Acrylic
  • Oil
  • Chalk
  • Lead
  • Pastels
  • Dry brush
  • Charcoal
  • Crayon
  • Collage
  • Mosaic
  • Pencil
  • Handmade prints
  • Sculpture
  • Woodcarving
  • Woodburning
Can photos or computer graphics be used?

No. Photographs can only be used as guides. Photographs or images created with computer software are not accepted and will be immediately disqualified. No assistance with computer software is allowed.

Can one student submit multiple pieces?

No. The Contest is limited to one piece per student/youth.

Are extinct animals accepted?

No. The subject must be a Mississippi native species that inhabits or migrates through Mississippi. Extinct animals are not accepted. See the "How to Enter" form for more details.