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First Place
Mack Landon Hutson
“Under the Dock”
Tupelo Wood Carving with Cedar Base and Foam
Second Place
Bethany A. Roberts
Third Place
Darcy E. Renick
“Beady Eyes”
Wire, Beads, Fabric
Runner Up
Jaylee A. Reeves
“The Duck that Swam”
Honorable Mention for Accuracy/Wildlife Behavior
Alicia D. Chavez
“The Great Blue Heron and A Yellow Bass”
Gouache Paint
Honorable Mention for Habitat Accuracy
Anna K. Boyd
“Spring Crappie”
Honorable Mention for Overall Composition
Claire E. Rizzo
Fox Trot in Fall
Honorable Mention for Difficulty
Emily M. Finkley
Angler Fish
Stippling, Pen
Honorable Mention for Wildlife Accuracy
Layla M. Whitehorn
Watercolor on Paper
Honorable Mention for Originality
Allie C. Bullock
"Landing Morning Dove"
Acrylic on Paper