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Directions To The Mahannah WMA

Mahannah WMA is located in Issaquena and Warren Counties near Redwood. Approximately 18 miles north of Vicksburg on Hwy 61. Turn left (west) at WMA sign on Floweree Road. Go approx. 3 miles to WMA sign turn left (west) on Anderson-Tully Road. WMA headquarters approx. 2 miles ahead. If you have any questions regarding Mahannah WMA email: or call 601-432-2199.


The gate at Mahannah WMA will be closed due to high water levels.


Mahannah Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is located in Warren and Issaquena counties, approximately 15 miles north of Vicksburg, Mississippi. The WMA consists of approximately 12,695 acres of bottomland hardwoods, agriculture fields, hardwood reforestation, and waterfowl impoundments. Mahannah WMA is part of one of the most ecologically intact and biologically diverse bottomland hardwood ecosystems in the Mississippi Delta. The area is a unique balance of flooding timber, cypress swamps, and controlled flooded agricultural lands. This diverse land provides habitat for some of the largest concentrations of wintering waterfowl in the Mississippi Delta. 

The area provides habitats for various species of wintering waterfowl. Shallow areas are used by puddle ducks and the deeper water is used by diving ducks. Mallard is the primary species; however, northern shoveler, canvasback, blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, gadwall, northern pintail, wood duck, American widgeon and others are abundant.

Approximately 1,486 acres of open farmland are managed for waterfowl each year. These areas are either planted in crops, millet, milo, corn, soybeans, etc. or maintained in moist soil species and flooded in the fall by pumping. These areas were enhanced with the development and construction of a levee system which began during FY 2003 and was completed in FY 2005. This allows personnel to manage the water earlier and more precisely by closing water control structures and allowing rainfall to flood the area behind the structures. Also, several hundred acres of timber are managed to provide wintering waterfowl habitat. 

The permit station with cards is located at the headquarters.

Mahannah WMA

What is the habitat type?

This WMA is comprised of a mixture of native grasses/moist soil and emergent marsh habitat. Some units are timber units.  Water Depths range from 6 in. to 2.5 ft. in depth.


Is there any Cover?

Cover is variable between each impoundment but most contain a variety of Coffee beans, patches of Willow trees and/or planted strips of Sorghum-Sudan. The edges of the impoundment levees contain a good amount of cover as well. Camouflage - Tan or brown camouflage (e.g. Fast Grass) is recommended. Duck blinds are provided in impoundments #10, #13, #12 and #24.

Do I need a boat or a blind?

No boat is necessary for any of the impoundments. Each impoundment has multiple mounds with planted willows for hunters to use for concealment. A swamp stool or some form of chair is recommended but not necessary.

Do I have to hunt a certain spot?

Your entire hunt unit is yours to hunt for the day. You are allowed to hunt anywhere within your designated unit. You are not required to hunt any particular location or blind within your designated unit. No other hunters outside of your hunting party will be allowed to hunt the unit on your draw date.

Are ATV/UTVs allowed?

ORVs/UTVs/ Electric Bikes are allowed only on designated roads and trails but all hunt units can be accessed by foot.

Can I scout my unit and when?

Scouting is allowed daily prior to Oct. 1 and on any Saturdays, Wednesdays, and any small game days thereafter. Only drawn hunters will be allowed on the area during the permitted hunts

How many people can I bring?

You are allowed to but not required to bring up to 3 guests on your waterfowl draw hunt

How long can I hunt?

Shooting hours for waterfowl on this WMA end at 12:00 noon. Waterfowl hunters must check out by 1:00 pm, except during the waterfowl youth hunt which shall run concurrent with the statewide waterfowl youth hunt.