If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
Access to the Goose Lake Unit by Canal Road is prohibited.
Find and learn more about Phil Bryant WMA...
See individual hunt unit pages for driving directions.
For information, maps, and regulation on individual units of Phil Bryant WMA, see below.
The permit station with cards is located at the west Ten Point check station on HWY 465.
All Deer hunts are permit only.
If you have any questions regarding Phil Bryant WMA call 601-432-2199.
Approximately 17 miles north of I-20 in Vicksburg, on MS HWY 61, turn west onto MS HWY 465. Travel approximately 11.5 miles and the Ten Point Unit visitor permit station, camping area, and access trails will be on the right. Visitors must check in to the WMA at the Ten Point Unit Visitor Permit station or via the WMA check-in app.
Approximately 18 miles north of Vicksburg on HWY 61. Turn left (west) at WMA sign on Floweree Road. Go approximately 3 miles to Mahannah WMA sign turn left (west) on Anderson-Tully Road and travel approximately 7.7 miles to the Buck Bayou Unit Parking area. At this point, visitors are required to use an ATV/UTV to travel down the Buck Bayour Unit ATV trail approximately 2 miles to where the buck Bayou Unit begins. Visitors must check in to the WMA at the Mahannah WMA Visitor Permit station or via the WMA check-in app.
Portions of the Goose Lake Unit can be accessed only by foot from MS HWY 465 or the Yazoo-Backwater Levee. Please see map of these locations. The largest portion of the Goose Lake Unit is only accessible by boat, due to the absense of roads, trails, or public easements currently. Access via Canal Rd or through Mahannah WMA is prohibited. Visitors must check in to the WMA at the Ten Point Unit Visitor Permit station or via the WMA check-in app.
Approximately 18 miles north of Vicksburg on HWY 61. Turn left (west) at WMA sign on Floweree Road. Go approximately 3 miles to Mahannah WMA sign turn left (west) on Anderson-Tully Road and travel 6.1 miles to the Backwoods Unit 1 Campsite and Visitor Permit station.
Approximately 18 miles north of Vicksburg on HWY 61. Turn left (west) at WMA sign on Floweree Road. Go approximately 3 miles to Mahannah WMA sign turn left (west) on Anderson-Tully Road and travel 5.9 miles to the Backwoods Unit 1 Campsite and Visitor Permit station.
Approximately 18 miles north of Vicksburg on HWY 61. Turn left (west) at WMA sign on Floweree Road. Go approximately 3 miles to Mahannah WMA sign turn left (west) on Anderson-Tully Road and travel 5.5 miles, turn left (south) at the sharp turn, then travel an additional 0.9 miles south to the Backwoods Unit 3 Campsite and Visitor Permi station.
Approximately 18 miles north of Vicksburg on HWY 61. Turn left (west) at WMA sign on Floweree Road. Go approximately 3 miles to Mahannah WMA sign turn left (west) on Anderson-Tully Road. Mahannah WMA headquarters is approximately 2 miles ahead. Due to the current road/trail conditions, Backwoods Unit 4 is only accessible via ATV/UTV from the Mahannah WMA headquarters area. See map for instructions on how to access Backwoods Unit 4. Visitors must check in to the WMA at the Mahannah WMA Visitor Permit station or via the WMA check=in app.