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Shipland WMA is located in Issaquena County near Mayersville. Turn off Hwy 61 onto Hwy 1 at Onward Store go about 15 miles until you see MS River levee take left at the Shipland sign and go to the levee take right, go north on levee unto you see Shipland sign take left off levee and follow road. If you have any questions regarding Shipland WMA email: southdeltawmas@wfp.ms.gov or call 601-432-2199.
This is one of two WMAs in the Mississippi batture lands; that is, the land between the Mississippi River and the main-line river levee. The area is classified as bottomland hardwood but the habitat varies across the WMA from a small sand field that is comprised of grassland and stunted trees to a forest of oaks, pecan, and sugarberry, to low wet areas of willow trees and buttonbush. During low water levels there are also several hundred acres of sandbars in the Mississippi River that can be accessed on foot. In the last 10 years, several types of logging operations were conducted on the area to improve the habitat for wildlife. WMA personnel also plant winter and summer food plots and maintain permanent openings to provide additional food for wildlife.
Shipland WMA provides year-round public hunting and fishing opportunities. Deer hunting is the most popular form of hunting followed closely by squirrel and waterfowl hunting. Deer seasons are restricted to archery and primitive weapon, with harvest limited to antlerless deer and bucks that meet the antler criteria for the area. The black color phase of fox squirrels occurs on the area and is considered a trophy by hunters who come from areas where this phase is not found. Waterfowl hunting opportunities exist mainly in the Mississippi River, and the hunting can be good at times. Rabbit hunting is generally poor due to the yearly flooding by the Mississippi River depressing their numbers. There is a small ox-bow lake on the southern end of the area that provides good fishing opportunities. Although there is not a boat ramp on the area providing access into the river, there are places a small boat can be launched from the bank, if the river is not too low. Primitive camping is also allowed on the area.
Shipland WMA is also a very good area for bird watching. The borrow areas adjacent to the main line levee, and the sand dunes in the river provide excellent areas to see shorebirds and waterfowl. Shipland is far enough west that the spring and fall migration of Neotropical migrants may bring in birds not normally seen in most areas of Mississippi.
The permit station with cards is located off the levee.