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Twin Oaks WMA is located in Sharkey County near Rolling Fork, approx. 2 miles south of Rolling Fork on Hwy 61. Turn east at WMA sign on Fork Creek Road and go approx. 2.4 miles to a small WMA sign and turn south. WMA headquarters is 2.5 miles ahead. If you have any questions regarding Twin Oaks WMA call 601-432-2199.
Twin Oaks WMA is a 5,847-acre tract located approximately 40 miles north of Vicksburg, Mississippi. This area is bounded by the Little Sunflower River on the east and county/gravel roads on the north and south. Although the area adjoins the approximately 60,000 acre Delta National Forest to the east, the WMA is considered somewhat isolated as a result of agricultural practices on the north, south, and western boundaries. Prior to acquisition, the primary use of this site was for timber production. Over the last decade, the importance of recreational hunting has increased because large woodland tracts have been converted to cropland. Twin Oaks consists of approximately 5,383 acres of bottomland hardwood in varying quantities and stages of maturity. Hardwood species are composed of overcup oak, Nuttall oak, elm, ash sweetgum, hackberry, and willow oak. Some areas have had selective cuts in the recent past.
The area provides habitats for various species of wintering waterfowls. Shallow areas are used by puddle ducks and the deeper water is used by diving ducks. Mallard is the primary species; however, northern shoveler, blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, gadwall, Northern pintail, wood duck, American wigeon and others are present. A system of levees and 14 water control structures enclose approximately 615 acres on Twin Oaks. Greentree reservoirs encompass 500 acres of this system with the remaining acreage in open fields. Greentree reservoirs are purposely flooded from fall to late winter to increase habitat availability for wintering waterfowl. There are 115 acres of open fields inside the levee system that are maintained in a combination of corn, milo, millet and moist soil habitat.
The permit station with cards is located at the headquarters.